I really loved not being in Jerusalem for a few reasons. First of all, it takes away from alot of distractions. When youre in Elkana, youre there for a specific purpose. To learn. Also I personally liked it that being in Jerusalem wasnt an every day event because I didnt want it to "lose its spark". I moved to Jerusalem this year, and Im finding it a little difficult to adapt. When I was in Elkana there was never that question of should I go out tonight or not. Or this ones in town so I want to go see her etc. Everyone always stayed in and I think thats one of the major reasons we became the tight group of girls that we are. Even during a free period, instead of going out, either we would take that time to be with each other or to head down to the beit midrash and catch something up, or start that book weve been meaning to, btu never had the time. I mean its not like we didnt go out. Most of us came to Jerusalem every Thursday night through Friday. And we came together, as a group. I think that that was one of my favorite parts of Orot. That most evrything we did, we did together and I think thats something very special, and I know that alot of that had to do with us not being in Jerusalem. We all went our seperate ways for Shabbatot, but when we all came back to Elkana, I cant explain it, but it was one of the best feelings in the world. Even now when I go back its the most amazing feeling.
Another reason I really liked about not being in Jerusalem was that I really came to appreiciate it. Every time I came I really felt the kedusha. Now that I live here, of course I still feel it, but its a very different feeling. Its where I live, so sometimes I get so caught up in my everyday routine that I have to take a breath and realize where I am.
Its weird, but being out of Jerusalem was probably the best thing thats ever happened to me.
Luna Franco studied at Orot last year. If you have any questions and want to send Luna and email, click here.
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