Monday, March 9, 2015

Orot Israel College Allocates Residential Hall for Married Students

Nomi Spanglet
Student Affairs Coordinator & Alumni Relations

Lior Sharim, the building’s first married resident
Due to the significant and gratifying increase in enrollment – including many married students - at Orot Israel College’s Elkana campus, the administration needed to find additional housing solutions. A decision was made to reallocate the Cymberknopf Dormitory Wing (which was originally designated for Orot’s single students) for six young married couples.
Orot invested a great deal of resources in the project, which involved major renovations such as adding a kitchen to each of the six apartments and moving several walls. The construction is now completed, and the first couple arrived during Chanukah. B’ezrat Hashem, other couples are set to move into the building over the next few weeks.
Special thanks to Orot’s president, Rav Professor Neria Guttel; Mr. Yaniv David, head of operations; and his entire crew for all their hard work and efforts.

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