On the 20th of Sivan, June 26th Bogrot of the 5747 Bat Zion Program had their 30 year reunion. The reunion was held in the evening in Baka, Jerusalem, and many of the Bogrot who are is Israel were in attendance, including our indomitable Eim Bayit, Judy Ford, and Madricha Ruchanit, Rabbanit Idit Itzkovich. More than half of our Bogrot have made their homes in Israel, and the occasion was also marked by the participation of Bogrot in the greater New York and Washington DC areas in the US, via weblink on what was their early afternoon.
Referring to the previous week's Parsha, Rabbanit Idit reminded us of the fact that we are able to do a tikkun for the Meraglim (spies) and how wonderful it was to see so many Bogrot choosing to take on a new language, culture, and to build a Bayit Neeman in Israel. She also encouraged those of us still far away that there is always time to come and people waiting in warm welcome.
Reminiscing over the Lachmaniyot and Charif food we once shared in Orot while enjoying a pot lunch dinner prepared by all, we shared pictures, and Rabbanit Idit even kept letters many of us had written to her oh so long ago, and brought samples to our reunion.
Fond memories of Rena Shvat Zuriel, Chagit Even Chen Samuels and Debbie Brown Baron, zichronam livracha, were shared, and pictures, and hopes that the next reunion will happen that much faster.
In Masechet Avot it says בן 30 לכח, a person of 30 attains strength, and the letter "lamed" has the numeric equivalent of 30, and it was a nice circle to associate a year we dedicated to limud, at our 30th reunion, with our Bogrot and madrichot, still going strong....
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Before... |
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And Today! |
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