New M.ED. Program in Educational Administration: The 5771 school year marks the opening of an exciting new secondary degree program, as Orot offers an M.Ed. program in Educational Administration in separate classes for both men and women. The program, geared towards current teachers looking to enter the ranks of school administration, will include courses on educational leadership, administrative skills as well as decision making, scheduling, and other relevant topics. Developed under the guidance of Dr. Shraga Fisherman, head of Orot’s Graduate School of Education, Orot’s third M.Ed. program will allow the college to continue to serve the Israeli community by providing badly needed administrators for Israel’s education system. “This new M.Ed. program will give future administrators the knowledge, skills and experience they need to succeed as principals in the Israeli school system,” said Rabbi Prof. Neria Guttel, president of Orot. “We see this program as a further fulfillment of Orot’s mission to train the next generation of Israeli educators.”
New and Updated Student Residences: Students residing in Orot’s dormitories during the school year will arrive on campus to find new and refurbished residence halls. Workers are currently putting the finishing touches on the new Cymberknopf Residence Wing. In addition, an existing residence building was recently upgraded and refurbished.
College-Wide Yearly Theme – Hineni (Here I Am): Each year, under the direction of Dean of Students Rabbi Dr. Moshe Rachimi and Director of the Advanced Institute for Contemporary Education and Religion Rabbi Yona Goodman, Orot chooses a broader theme that students and faculty focus on throughout the year. This year they have chosen the theme of Hineni-Shalecheini ("Here I Am - Send me"), highlighting the importance of serving the greater good and devotion to the Jewish people. Writes Rav Goodman, “We have merited living in a generation when the Nation of Israel has returned to its Land and itself, and God willing, to its Torah as well. We seek to educate both ourselves and our future teachers towards an idealistic life of action, each according to his strength and capabilities.”
New Interdisciplinary Courses: To address the conflicting values that students often confront in their studies, Orot will offer two exciting interdisciplinary courses that address the confluence of Torah and Jewish thought with academic and secular pursuits.
- Dance and Judaism: Students in the Dance Department can take an exciting new course in “Judaism and Art” which will explore how Jewish thought relates to art, the limits of art, as well as spiritual benefits to artistic expression. In addition, students will receive vital rabbinic guidance to assist them in developing new dance programs and initiatives in the spirit of Torah values.
- Judaism and Communications: The instant world of communications we live in today raises challenging ethical and halachic dilemmas. Where are the boundaries of journalism and lashon hara? What can a Torah-true film accurately portray within the limits of tzniut? A new year-long course will address the many halachic and hashkafic issues that arise in the area of communications, and provide Orot students will critical guidance for both their educational and professional careers.
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