On Tuesday, the 25th of Cheshvan, 5771 (October 2, 2010), Orot Israel College officers and lecturers, Ministry of Education officials, graduating students and their family members and guests gathered in the Elkana Campus auditorium for the Bachelors of Education graduation ceremony.
The degree candidates marched into the hall to the sound of musical accompaniment and ecstatic applause from the excited audience after which Rabbi Chaim Fogel, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and Dr. Shraga Fishman, College Provost offered greetings.
President of the College, Rabbi Prof. Neria Guttel, welcomed MK Zevulun Orlev, Chairman of the Knesset Education, Culture and Sport Committee, former MK Nissan Slomiansky, Mr. David Buskila, representative of the Ministry of Education Teacher Training Department, Rabbi Chaim Fogel, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Rabbi Chaim Saban, Vice President of the College, lecturers, guests and graduates. His address was seasoned with insights to the week's Torah reading, and underscored the graduating class's commitment to the teaching profession as a personal mission. Rabbi Guttel wished them much success in their important careers as educators for the entire Jewish people.
MK Zevulun Orlev's keynote address, "Official and Recognized Education – Hand in Hand," traced the history of religious Zionist private schools, their constituent population and the difficulties faced by the official State Religious School system throughout the years. He pointed to problems, offered critical analysis and suggested possible solutions, concluding with his best wishes to the graduates for successful careers as educators in the religious Zionist educational system.
Valedictorian Rinat Avraham, representing her classmates, impressively articulated her educational philosophy, freely quoting from Rabbinic literature.
As always, Master of Ceremonies Zion Sasson conducted the proceedings with style and grace, accompanied by the serene musical piano interludes by Eviatar Lieberman.
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