On Monday, the 10th of Cheshvan, 5771 (October 18, 2010), Orot Israel College dedicated a new student residence wing in the name of Bina and Josef Cymberknopf.
Mrs. Shumacher-Cymberknopf was joined for the ceremony by her family and friends, as well as by College officials and students residents of the new dorm. The honored guests sat on lawn chairs under white shade umbrellas outside the new building as Mrs. Shumacher-Cymberknopf began the ceremony by unveiling the dedication plaque at the building's entrance.
Mr. Joel Koschitzky, Chairman of the College Board of Directors, read the plaque's inscription and briefly described the College and its divisions offering B.Ed. and M.Ed. degrees, as well as the wide array of activities on both the Elkana and Rehovot campuses for the benefit of the guests visiting Orot Israel College for the first time.
Mr. Kurt Rothschild, President of World Mizrachi, was honored with the affixing of the mezuzah on the new building. Rabbi Dr. Yehuda Felix, founder and original head of the College, praised Mr. Irving Cymberknopf z"l for his determination to promote the construction of the dormitory, recalling the difficulties encountered in finishing the project.
Mr. Michael Shumacher, representing the family, described Mr. Irving Cymberknopf z"l, his unwavering dedication to his parents and family and his life story until he made aliyah to Israel. He pointed out that Mr. Cymberknopf passed away only months before the completion of the building, and regretted that he did not live to see the opening of the new facility in all its glory.
The second half of the ceremony took place in the graduate school's main lecture hall where dozens of students joined the guests. Mr. Jerry Rosenfield, a friend of Orot College and of the family from Toronto, mentioned the many families of the Toronto community who helped in building the Elkana campus: Koschitzky, Weinbaum, Sokol, Maierovitz, Khan, Schwartz, Rosenfield and others. He singled out the important work of Mr. Kurt Rothschild, who invested much time and effort into ensuring that the building became a reality.
Rabbi Prof. Neria Guttel, President of the College, warmly thanked Mrs. Shumacher-Cymberknopf and her family, and Mr. Kurt Rothschild, who has worked day and night for decades to strengthen education and promote religious Zionism in Israel and abroad. His address focused on the religious injunction to show appreciation for good deeds, sharing insights into passages from the weekly Torah reading.
The ceremony concluded with words of gratitude to the family from Hagit Rimon, representing the students already living in the new dormitory. The ceremony was MC'ed by Mrs. Nomi Spanglet, Director of Development and Alumni Relations. The dormitory is the first of 19 planned to be built on the land currently occupied by caravan trailers.
Shehechianu, veki'imanu, vehigiyanu lazman hazeh.
שהחיינו וקיימנו והגיענו לזמן הזה
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