Monday, February 24, 2014

Master’s Degree Ceremony

On Tuesday, 27 Shvat 5774 (January 28, 2014) some 120 Orot Israel College graduate students – representing a broad spectrum of the Israeli public – were awarded master’s degrees in educational counseling, Tanach, and Rabbinic Literature during a gala ceremony held at our Elkana campus.

At present, approximately 560 graduate students study at Orot which now boasts a relatively new and prestigious Master's degree program in Educational Administration and Organization. Orot’s student body hails from every corner of Israel – from the Golan Heights all the way down to Eilat. B’ezrat Hashem, next year, we hope to open a graduate program in mathematics.

The speakers at the degree ceremony included Rav Professor Neria Guttel, President of Orot Israel College and Rav Chaim Fogel, chairman of Orot’s board of trustees. Rav Chaim Saban, Orot’s vice president, and Rav Dr. Moshe Rachimi, head of the graduate school, were also in attendance.

In his keynote address, Professor Avraham Steinberg, Israel Prize laureate, spoke about the challenges and importance of integrating Torah and science.

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